
Hello Tiger Band Family,
Tiger Band Preview

Please join us Monday, 8/16 in Tiger Stadium at 7:30pm for a presentation of what we've been working on throughout Summer Band.  Rehearsal will begin at 2:30pm to allow students to walk their class schedule at 2:00pm.  Dinner will be served for students at 5pm at the home-side Concession stand.  If you haven't yet signed up to help with that event please do.  Contact Kevin Smith concessions@dsbandboosters.orgfor details.  If you ordered a Show Shirt at Registration for someone other than your student, Timmie Smith will have a table set up for you to pick them up inside the entrance gate at the Stadium.  If you didn't order one then, or need more they will be available soon through our TMF Spirit Store.  This store will only be open for a short period of time, once the store closes your item(s) will be delivered to your home in 3 weeks.  All items in the Spirit Store are custom made - TMF does not have an inventory of Tiger Band items.  Please keep this in mind as you place your order.


Orlando Trip

As most of you know, the Tiger Band is offering an opportunity to travel together to Orlando, FL during Spring Break 2022.  This trip is optional.  We have contracted with TMF to manage this trip, and all payments will be made directly to them.  At the top of this page there are links to a flyer (Orlando Trip) and to the  instructions on how to create your account at the TMF payment portal (Portal Registration Info) where you register and pay for the trip. Payments can be made online, or you can send a check directly to TMF to avoid the 3% processing fee.  The address to send the payment is at the top of the instruction sheet.  The Portal will remain open for new registrations through Aug. 19th.  It is possible to be added to the trip after the 19th, but you will have to contact TMF for them to reopen the portal for you.  Our TMF Representative is Keith Lancaster.  He can be reached at keith@tmftoursandtravel.com.  Please reach out to him for any trip registration or payment questions.


School Starts Tuesday

Our first 7:00-8:20am rehearsal will be on Wednesday this week.  I strongly suggest that your student get into a structured schedule as soon as possible in order to allow them the best opportunity to be successful academically and in Band.  This is a great time for them to designate a time everyday to do their homework (preferably not starting at 10pm or later) and to go to bed at a reasonable hour every night.  Especially Freshmen and Sophomores.  They haven't had the experience of doing Marching Band and School yet, and while demanding, it is possible to be successful at both when approached smartly.



Derek Woods
Director of Bands

Dripping Springs H.S.


President's Update

Howdy Tiger Band Families!


Summer band comes to a close with Parent Preview on Monday evening. The band with perform a preview of the first part of the show that they’ve been working on the past three weeks.  Please come out to support and encourage our performers.  Show shirt pickup will be available outside the home concession stand before Parent Preview for those that ordered an extra shirt at band registration!


Now that school is starting the fast-paced routine of marching season begins.  This is where we need everyone to step up and volunteer for roles.  I’ve talked with several area VPs that have said they’d like to see parents sign up to volunteer across the entire season now. We understand things will come up, and we would prefer to fill one or two spots where that has happened instead of scrambling to find the full slate of volunteers every week.


Please go to https://signup.com/group/656985444317352054 and scroll through the entire season to find the dates and areas where you’d like to volunteer.  We need every family to volunteer for 8 shifts in order for us to execute the transportation and band performance support plans at a level that will help our students make it to state competition.  Thank you to everyone that has volunteered already, let’s keep the momentum going!


Finally, corporate sponsorship of the entire band program is another outstanding way to support the band and has some great benefits including recognition on the band website and Facebook page. The deadline to have a banner at the football game concession stands is quickly approaching. You can find more information on sponsorship levels here.


Go Tiger Band!

Timmie Smith



Thunder in the Hills Update

Thunder in the Hills is an annual percussion competition that the DS band hosts. This year it will be on 9/18 and there are 28 drum lines signed up to compete. This is all day event that requires all the help we can get. Students are required to volunteer for at least one shift(more details later). Adults can sign up here https://signup.com/go/UywWALb. There are opportunities for all kinds of support.

This year we will be selling volunteer shirts for us to wear the day of the event. The design isn’t finalized but they are available for pre-order here.  Note: These will only be available via pre-order. If you don’t order now you can still buy one of the standard event shirts.

We are also looking for business sponsors to support the event. Sponsor packages range from $50 to $300. It’s an excellent way to support the band and advertise your business at the same time. If you own a business, or know someone who does, and want to support please fill out this form.

Concessions Stand Update

This week there will be a few opportunities for parents to learn more about the concessions operations ahead of the season.


Preview Night (8/16) – We will be feeding the band through the concessions stands between practice and the preview.  Please stop by to learn more about how you can help in the concessions stand this season.


Scrimmage Games (8/20 - 5:00 and 7:00) – We will have the concessions stand open for drinks and snacks during the scrimmage games this Friday.  Although we will be serving a few items, we will also be working to organize and prep the concessions stand for the season.  Feel free to drop in to help or get a feel for how things operate and how you can help.


We need you!  We are less than three weeks out from our first home football game on 9/3.  Although we’ve received considerable interest and commitments over the past month from families that plan to work in the concessions stand during the season, the Sign-Up portal does not reflect this.  Please sign up now for as many shifts as you can to help support the band boosters throughout the football season.   It is estimated that approximately 50% of the Band Boosters revenues are generated through the concessions activities, and it takes everyone’s efforts to make this happen.


Kevin Smith

VP Concessions

Uniform Update

Freshmen Fittings and Adjustments - We really appreciated the 30 freshmen and other students that came in for appointments last week. We still have 19 freshmen left to fit for this season. We will be pulling them during band class throughout this week.


Parents:  Please be sure to have the following items before the first football game on August 27th - black belt and black no-show socks for the informal uniform.

You will also need long black socks and grey lycra shorts for marching and long white socks and grey lycra shorts for performance. It is suggested to get a couple of pairs for consecutive performance days. Here is a picture to show you what is required.


Uniform Volunteer Opportunities:

Sewing/ironing group - The material for the competition drops is due to arrive this week. Once we get the strips cut, we will send out a Group Sign-up for volunteers to help us sew these colorful drops. Please keep an eye out for a time to come in and sew with us.  Sewing is a big part of the performance uniform for drops on the jackets. If you are handy with a sewing machine or a serger we would love your help. We can even show you how.


We would like to thank the following volunteers: Jane Jacobs, Suzanne Meyers, Timmie Smith, Nareese Gibbs, Nate Gibbs, and Camryn Gusella for all their help in uniform fittings this week. We appreciate the time you gave to help out during appointments!


If you have any further questions, please contact us at: uniforms@dsbandboosters.org.


Thank you,

Su Gibbs and Suzanne Gusella

Co-VP Uniform Coordinators



Band Sponsors Needed

Corporate sponsorship of the entire band program is another outstanding way to support the band and has some great benefits including recognition on the band website and Facebook page. The deadline to have a banner at the football game concession stands is quickly approaching. You can find more information on sponsorship levels here and here.

Band Movers Update


The new year is starting soon and so is marching season!! Your kids need help to make the season better.

Come help the Movers Team!!  Loading, unloading, and moving stuff, including trailers, is what we do.

There are several options to sign up for.

We have signups for both football games and marching contests.

Come hang out at the high school on Saturday 9/11 from 9-12. We will have the trailers, props and podiums, come help figure out how to operate and load them. Visit https://signup.com/go/ZrghkOZ to let us know if you can attend.

Any questions please ask Daniel Jennings: bandmovers@dsbandboosters.org

Pit Crew/Props Update

It was a pleasure to meet so many of the DSHS Band parents during registration and talk about the support needed during marching season for Pit Crew and Props.  As a reminder we are looking for at least 12 - 15 adult volunteers during football games and 20 - 23 adult volunteers for marching contests.  To volunteer for Pit Crew activities please utilize the Sign-Up link. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly with any questions at pitcrew@dsbandboosters.org.



Allison B. Muth