Hey Band... important info below so please read!

 Complete the following PRIOR TO Registration Day: 

➢ Online Pre-Registration. (Visit www.dsbands.org select My Account, then Dripping Springs High School). Pre-registration opens July 14th and must be completed by JULY 22nd. There is information needed prior to Registration Day that needs to be prepared accordingly. 

Tiger Band Information Packet and Registration Forms available at this link


Only Freshmen and New Students need to fill out the UIL Marching Acknowledgement Rules form.
Fee Estimation Sheets will be added to the Forms to Fill Out folder shortly. Be sure to check that you have all of these forms ready to turn in.
Physical Form and Band Permission must be turned in before your student can rehearse. If there is an issue, please contact Mr. Woods ASAP.
Summer Band schedule, 2023-24 Calendar and the Weekly Practice schedule are just some of the very important files found. THEY ARE ALSO POSTED ON THE HOME PAGE OF THIS WEBSITE.

Due to facility conflicts, the date for Band Registration has been moved and will take place in the DSHS Cafeteria 6:00-8:30pm
Monday, 7/24 Seniors at 6:00pm, Freshmen at 6:30pm
Tuesday, 7/25 Juniors at 6:00pm, Sophomores at 6:30pm
At least one parent/guardian and the band/guard/percussion student must attend Band Registration. Informal uniform parts will be sized, so make sure your student wears undergarments and socks. If you're not available on the assigned day, you can come on the other day, but we're trying to keep it evenly spread out to help minimize wait times. Please make every effort to attend, this is an important event with multiple steps that is difficult to duplicate for individuals that don't attend.
Summer Band/Away Game/Contest Meals choice form needs to be filled out ASAP. Thank you to Tara Ballard for heading up this very important job for us again this year! These meals are required, you can't pick and choose which meals to purchase. If you plan on volunteering for these events and want to have meals available please contact Tara or Caryn Pacelli for instructions.


As we head into the weekend, I just wanted to remind our Color-Guard & Percussion families that we need several more volunteers for next week’s camp. This is a great way to see your student in action and the volunteer needs are simple:
🍔 Meals - super easy! The orders have all been placed and paid for. All you have to do is pick up, take the food to the band hall and help serve. Easy & fun! You’ll receive instructions on where to pick up.
🎒Medical Bag- also easy! Hang out with our 2023 Color Guard kids, watch them and tend to any medical needs(band aids, ice packs,etc).
Here is the link to sign-up: https://signup.com/go/QSijVTv
Comment below with questions!

Be sure your student is preparing for the heat during summer band. Let's aim for no customers at the med tent!  
Students need to do some form of exercise outside in the heat every day from NOW until Summer Band Starts. Drink water. Go for a Walk. Ride a Bike. 

FYI - please stay current on your TMF BOA trip payments. After 2 late payments you will be dropped from the trip. You can sign up again without having to pay the deposit, but will have to pay the balance due at that time. This is a recent policy brought to my attention.