
Announcement Sheet 9-18-23

BOA Contest Schedule 9-23-23  - Info for this Saturday!

Weekly Practice Schedule 2023

2023-2024 Tiger Band Yearly Calendar

Tiger Band Volunteers - SignUp.com

HEB Gift Card Fundraiser Info

Remind Codes

Spirit Store/ Toolkit Login

From Mr. Woods:
Hello Tiger Band Family,

What a great showing by all the adult and student volunteers for our 14th Thunder in the Hills Drumline contest on Saturday!  The weather wasn't as cooperative as we hoped, but everyone did an amazing job of being flexible and making all the things happen as well as hoped.  I received many compliments about our student's politeness and behavior and how well the event was organized from performing group Directors...I know how great our students are, but it's always a proud moment when other Directors get to know just how great they are, too.

First contest of the season is on Saturday (BOA contest itinerary)- and it's also the end of the 6 weeks grading period for UIL academic eligibility.  Your student must be passing at the 6 weeks and 9 weeks in order to continue to perform.  If they're not eligible at the end of the 9 weeks they will not be able to attend the BOA Indianapolis trip.  I can't stress enough how important it is for your student to remain academically eligible.

Rehearsal Schedule for this week:

Monday        7:00am - 8:20am Winds/Percussion only

6:00pm - 8:30pm Full Band

Tuesday       7:30am - 8:15am Leadership Team

4:30pm - 6:15pm Colorguard Sectional

Wednesday   7:00am - 8:20am  Full Band

Thursday      7:00am - 8:20am  Full Band

Friday           7:00am - 8:20am  Full Band

This Friday is Middle School Band Night.  Band Buddies will be assigned on Monday, students should plan to present a small gift to their buddy.  We will use the same buddy pairing for the Side by Side rehearsals.  This is a major recruiting event, so please think about how to incorporate your buddy into the Tiger Band football game experience so we retain all the 8th graders into HS Band.  We will be performing our show Post-Game to prepare for the contest on Saturday.

Football Game Schedule/Home/Bowie HS/MS Band Night

4:30pm Rehearsal on Band Lot

5:00pm Eat then dress in FB Formal with no shako

5:40pm HS Report Time --Fully dressed/formal uniform

5:45pm MS students arrive, HS students without Band Buddy assignments will help trailers unload and reload with instruments and belongings

6:00pm Band Buddies in sections, HS students join them after loading trailers

6:10pm Rehearsal on Band Lot with MS Students

6:25pm HS performs show for MS students

6:35pm Line up to move into stadium

6:40pm Walk in pairs with MS Buddies into stadium

7:00pm Seated in stands – warm up

7:20pm School Song

7:25pm National Anthem (sung by DSHS Choir)

7:30pm Game begins

8:30pm Half-time performance with MS bands (the actual time of performance is determined by game progress, could be earlier or later by 10-15 minutes)

9:00pm MS released – MS Directors will determine method of dismissal

10:15pm Game over

10:30pm Post Game performance with Props

10:40pm Parents pick you up!!


Uniform:  Game FORMAL—with Black gloves—Black shoes and long black socks. Must have proper spandex shorts and Grey Dri-Fit shirt to wear under uniform.  All hair must meet standard set by Director/Drum Majors.  No visible jewelry

Show hair is different than Informal hair, as all the hair has to fit inside the shako hat.  There will be a hair tutorial after school on Tuesday and Thursday, please be sure to attend one of these to make sure you can develop a contest hair plan before Saturday.


Derek Woods
Director of Bands

Dripping Springs H.S.



President's Update

Hey Band!

Wow! What a great turnout for Thunder in the Hills yesterday! Thanks to everyone who came out to do a shift (or two or three)! It was a great success!

  • Football Game - Friday night is middle school night so our halftime performance will be a combined performance with the middle schools. We are still in need of 24 volunteer spots to be filled, mostly in concessions! Please sign up to help us. If you do not have a middle school student, this is a great opportunity to help out in the concession stand.
  • Bands of America Austin Regional - Saturday, September 23, at Kelly Reeves Stadium in Round Rock - This weekend is our first competition! We have several volunteer spots open, such as pit crew, chaperones, etc. Please sign up to help out! Plan to join and support the band by watching them perform at the competition. Wear your show shirt!
  • Buttons and Spirit Shirts - Monday 7:30 pm in the stadium - We will have photo buttons available for purchase for those who haven't purchased a button yet but would like one! We will also have the gray spirit wear orders to pick up if you purchased these items. These are not the informal uniform pieces or the show shirts that were recently purchased. This order has not been received yet.

Make sure your students are staying on top of schoolwork, getting good sleep, and staying hydrated!

Go Tiger Band!

Caryn Pacelli

DSBB President


Band Volunteer? DSISD Registration is Required

As a reminder, all band volunteers need to be registered as a DSISD volunteer with a completed background check on file. This is the same process to register as a classroom volunteer. You are required to register or update your registration every 12 months.

To register with DSISD as a volunteer or to check and see if you're registration is up-to-date, click here: DSISD Volunteer Registration

Concessions - Volunteers Needed

Thank you to all the parents AND students that came out and pitched for concessions at TITH yesterday. In addition to surviving some much needed but ill-timed rain, this group cooked and prepared and served almost 1300 hamburgers! Your help was much appreciated!

We have a football game this Friday (9/22) and are still in need of 18 workers in concessions and 3 to operate our remote drink / snack stations. Please sign up today! These remote stations are great for families that are unable to volunteer because they have younger children that are not in high school, but are able to assist by retrieving items from coolers, etc. The stations are very important and take a significant load off the main concessions stand line during the game.

Please help fill our concessions slots! - Concessions Sign-up

Please contact Kevin Smith with any concessions related questions: concessions@dsbandboosters.org.

Percussion/ Pit Crew Update

Percussion / Pit Crew:

Thank you to those that assisted with moving equipment to support the Front Ensemble at Friday evening’s game at House Park.  This week is a home game and we may be following  different schedule since it is Middle School night, so please read the entire newsletter so you are available at the times when the  performance occurs.


Lastly, a big shout out to everyone that supported the Thunder in the Hills event.  There are a few student volunteer certificates that I will be sending to school on Monday (primarily Percussion), so please have your students reach out to me if they did not get their certificate at percussion@dsbandboosters.org.



Allison B. Muth


Volunteer Central

We're blown away with how our students showed up in their volunteer roles yesterday at TITH. They braved torrential rains, big crowds and represented Tiger Band in the best way possible. Be so very proud of your kids! And SO many of you adult volunteers came together and worked your tiger tails off to make the day a big success. Thank you, thank you to ALL of you!

Home Football Game this Friday, 9/22 - We are short more than half of the folks we need to successfully run the concessions stands. 22 more folks needed! This is by far our biggest fundraiser and we rely on our band families to make it happen. Look for Concessions Stand - Game Night Operations and Remote Drink & Snack Stand in the sign-ups. We also have a few other volunteer needs throughout the evening. Sign up here >>  https://signup.com/go/qXHAYBW

Marching Contests - The band has their first competition this Saturday: BOA Austin! We still need a variety of volunteers to participate in various roles and support our band. As of right now, we only have half of the folks we need for Pit Crew. Don't feel intimidated if you have never served in this role before - you will be assigned to push a prop, speaker or instrument and will be given very specific instructions. If you do sign up, be sure to block off the whole day since our band has a good chance of performing in the evening finals. Sign up here >> https://signup.com/go/ OjQEGJi

Tiger Band Sign-Up Landing Page - As always, you can find ALL of the volunteer needs and spots at this link >> https://signup.com/go/ upuBfCt

Uniform Update - Help Needed

Home Game against Bowie Friday Night, September 22nd: Students will be required to wear Formal Uniform. They will need their grey lycra bike shorts, grey dri-fit, long black socks, and black shoes.

BOA Austin Competition on Saturday, September 23rd: Students will wear Formal Uniform with white bibbers for their first competition. They will need their grey lycra bike shorts, long white socks, white shoes, Grey dri-fit shirt under the bibbers ANDtheir competition shirts to change into. It is advisable that the student keeps all of their items in a gym bag of some sort and it helps if they are marked with your student's initials.

Sewing Group:  The material has finally arrived and we will start cutting this week. We hope to start sewing all of the pieces after the BOA Austin competition so that we have them done and fitted by October 13th. There are many jobs (not just sewing) to get these finished. If you can cut material, sew a button, iron or use a basic sewing machine or serger, we are in need of your help to start sewing these inserts and drops.  Come join the fun to get these made.

Thank you to all of the parents who signed up to be a Kubby Keeper for the school year. Your help makes a big difference to all of our band student's every week.

If you have any further questions, please contact us at: uniforms@dsbandboosters.org.

Thank you,

Su Gibbs and Suzanne Gusella

CoVPs of Uniforms

HEB Gift Cards Fundraiser Info

To those of you still needing to get started with this fundraiser:

Please take the plunge and get your orders in by the 10th of the month so you can start getting your gift cards and the band can receive increased $$ benefits.

Order H-E-B gift cards here:  H-E-B Gift Card Order Form

We are here to help if you have any questions.

Thank you for your support!

Laurie Darilek & Jennifer LaRochelle


Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures

Going forward, we ask that you follow the following procedures for drop off and pickup.

  •  Drop off for rehearsals – You may use the Driveway Loop to drop off your student, but do not stop or wait. Please pull as far forward (past the first entrance to the loading dock). Be cautious and aware that students will be pushing equipment onto the practice lot.
  • Pickup from any rehearsal or event (football games or contests) – Please park in the parking lot and have your student walk to your car. Do not pickup, stop, or wait in the Driveway Loop. Buses will need to use the Driveway Loop to drop off for events, and students need to use the ramps from the band lot into the Driveway Loop for moving equipment back to the band hall after rehearsals.
  • Drop off/Pickup for School – For before and after school at regular school start and end times (not a band rehearsal), refer to the drop off and pickup procedures that the school issues.

Tiger Band Sponsorship Info

The Tiger Band is looking for 2023-2024 SPONSORS! We have several benefit levels to fit your business' needs, including water bottles and cups sold at home football games with your business name and logo on them, banners at the concession stand, and more. Please consider joining with the band this year as a sponsor! We need you!

Please contact our Fundraising VP, Kimberly Bertram, to sign up today at fundraising@dsbandboosters.org!

Printable Sponsorship Flier