
BOA GN Itinerary


Announcement Sheet 11-6-23

BOA GN Itinerary and Packing List

UIL Marching Contests Progression Explanation

2023-2024 Tiger Band Yearly Calendar

Tiger Band Volunteers - SignUp.com

HEB Gift Card Fundraiser Info

Remind Codes


From Mr. Woods:

Hello Tiger Band Family,
How exciting that our BOA trip to Indianapolis is finally upon us.  I'm so proud of the students for their dedication to excellence - they are rehearsing with focus and determination and are still getting better and better.  I hope you were able to see the evidence of that in the performance at halftime this past Friday. The Seniors and Parents that were recognized are such a huge part of the Tiger Band success, on and off the field.  Thank you to all of you for your commitment and camaraderie throughout the past 4 years. We love you!
Please join us on Monday, 11/6 at 8:00pm in Tiger Stadium for our final Texas performances of FUGUE STATE. Bring your friends and family to help celebrate an amazing season with 2 performances of this year's show.  We won't be in uniform, as we need them clean for our trip, but that won't diminish the excitement and passion of the performers!

Rehearsal Schedule for this week:

Monday       7:00-8:20am Full Band

6:00-8:00pm  Full Band

8:00-8:30pm Send Off performances

Tuesday       8:00pm meet to load and leave for Indianapolis


Football Playoff Games: The Tiger Football team has advanced to the Playoffs.  We will miss the first Playoff Game while we’re in Indianapolis.  The Playoff Game schedule is determined week to week based on the outcome of the game.  The Tiger Band will attend all the Playoff Games, including those during Thanksgiving and Holiday breaks.  All Tiger Band students are expected to attend.

TMEA Region Band Auditions: All Wind Ensemble students and any others that are interested will participate.  Depending on your instrument, you will audition on Thursday, 11/30 and/or Saturday, 12/2 at Westlake HS. Audition fee is $12 and must be paid through the RevTrack DSHS Online Store by 11/15.

Holiday Concert: Monday, December 11th at 6:30pm in the DSHS Auditorium.  Symphonic and Concert Bands will have 2-3 morning rehearsals with their percussionists to prepare for the concert.


Derek Woods
Director of Bands

Dripping Springs H.S.



BOA GN Itinerary and Packing List

Hey Band!

If you haven't seen it yet, here is the BOA Grand Nationals Itinerary and Packing List: Indianapolis Details.

Not included on that list are the hair supplies. Please make sure students have what they need for band buns, braids, etc. as it may be challenging to get extra hair supplies while in Indianapolis.

No Tuesday morning practice this week. Just Monday morning and Monday evening.  See you Tuesday night ready to go!

Uniform Update - Grand Nationals


  • CLEAN YOUR WHITE SHOES including the laces
  • Clean your instrument neck straps/braces
  • Clean your White and Black Gloves* if they are dirty
  • Have your Show shirt to wear afterwards

BOA Grand Nationals, Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis, IN, November 7th - 12th: Students will be wearing their Formal Competition Uniform. They will need their grey lycra bike shorts, grey dri-fit, black and white gloves*, long white socks, and white shoes and will need their show shirt to change into.  Please make sure to read Mr. Woods list of requirements for packing for the trip and that each student has a bag to keep all of their band items together. All of their uniforms will be bagged up in individual garment bags with the students name and number in the front pocket. We can mend broken seams and stirrups, but will not have everything to replace lost items during the trip. Keep your stuff together .

* Mr. Woods has requested that gloves will be required for the remainder of the season for instruments requiring them on the field (white on the right hand and black on the left hand).

Thank you,

Su Gibbs and Suzanne Gusella

Co-VP Uniform Coordinators



Message from the School Nurse - IMPORTANT!!

Hello Awesome Band/Colorguard Parents!

Our AMAZING trip to the Grand Nationals in Indianapolis is fast approaching.   I was a Band Mom for many years and I am so excited to have the opportunity to go along as the Nurse (yes, even riding on the bus); I will be taking care of all medication on the trip.

IF your child takes ANY prescription medication that needs to be given on the trip, you must get the attached form filled out by their doctor (unless we have a permission form on file for the current school year) and returned to me along with the medication, no later than November 6,2023.  

If your child takes medication, and you are going on the bus, you may carry and give them the medication without having to fill out any forms.

Form needed to be filled out by a doctor for medication administered on the Indianapolis trip - Overnight Medication Log

Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Kind regards,

Vicky Metzger, RN 

Dripping Springs HS Nurse

Clinic: 512-858-3104

FAX: 512-858-3198

Percussion/ Pit Crew Update

Thanks again to all those that supported Pit Crew and moving Props during the game on Friday night.  We are now focused on our next big adventure as we travel to Indianapolis this week for BOA Grand Nationals.  We will be loading equipment Monday night after the showcase and the equipment trailers will begin their journey to Indy Tuesday morning.  If you have provided interest in supporting Pit Crew / Props for Grand Nationals, you will be receiving an email to confirm your participation.  If you do not receive an email please reach out to me directly so I can place you on a “reserve” list.

Looking forward to a great experience in Indy and please reach out to me directly at 713.256.3028(m) if your travel plans change.


Allison Muth


Urgent Need - 11/3 Concessions Volunteers

We have our last scheduled home game this Friday 11/3 and need to make sure that the concessions stand is fully staffed. This will be Senior Night for band students, and they will be recognized along with their parents. We owe it to the parents with Seniors in the band to take on the responsibility of running the concessions stand for this game so that they can participate and celebrate with their students.

11/10 Playoff Game:

Drip is expected to host its first playoff game on 11/10. With the Grand Nationals trip, many of our parents will be in Indianapolis, so we desperately need parents that will not be traveling with the band to volunteer for concessions for this game.

We have solicited some support from outside groups (at a cost to the band) and we will slim down the menu (no catfish for this game), etc., but we need as many band parents as possible that will not be traveling with the band to help with this game. We need everyone to sign up by 10/30 so that we know what support we have and can appropriately plan for this event.

We need to finish strong, so please do your part to support the Band Boosters largest fund-raising activity.

-->> Concessions Volunteer Sign-up 


All Parents Must Fill This Out - DSISD Registration is Required

We have had a few instances where parent volunteers have not registered with DSISD and completed the background check. They were not allowed to volunteer. Please complete this step if you have not done so already!

As a reminder, all band volunteers need to be registered as a DSISD volunteer with a completed background check on file. This is the same process to register as a classroom volunteer. You are required to register or update your registration every 12 months.

To register with DSISD as a volunteer or to check and see if you're registration is up-to-date, click here: DSISD Volunteer Registration

HEB Gift Cards Fundraiser Info

Hey Tiger Band! The holidays are fast approaching and they make great gifts! Let’s talk H-E-B cards for a minute!

Each month we have families contributing to Tiger Band just by grocery shopping and filling their gas tanks. If you haven’t signed up, please consider doing so and here’s some math for you to think about .

For us, the family tries to purchase $500 in cards each month. After a few grocery runs and tanks of gas, the amount gets used pretty quickly. That means, at our current discount rate honored by H-E-B, we’ve generated $15 back to the band that month, or $180 each year. We are just 1 of 160 or so families and you can do the math. And if the band were to increase our total monthly order amount to pre-COVID numbers, our discount rate increases as well generating even more for the band. All because I’ve setup a monthly bill pay at my bank using the DSBB PO Box 1522, DS 78620 address and just do my usual shopping.

Thank you for still reading and supporting the Tiger Band!

Laurie Darilek and Jennifer LaRochelle


To those of you still needing to get started with this fundraiser:

Please take the plunge and get your orders in by the 10th of the month so you can start getting your gift cards and the band can receive increased $$ benefits.

Order H-E-B gift cards here:  H-E-B Gift Card Order Form

Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures

Going forward, we ask that you follow the following procedures for drop off and pickup.

  •  Drop off for rehearsals – You may use the Driveway Loop to drop off your student, but do not stop or wait. Please pull as far forward (past the first entrance to the loading dock). Be cautious and aware that students will be pushing equipment onto the practice lot.
  • Pickup from any rehearsal or event (football games or contests) – Please park in the parking lot and have your student walk to your car. Do not pickup, stop, or wait in the Driveway Loop. Buses will need to use the Driveway Loop to drop off for events, and students need to use the ramps from the band lot into the Driveway Loop for moving equipment back to the band hall after rehearsals.
  • Drop off/Pickup for School – For before and after school at regular school start and end times (not a band rehearsal), refer to the drop off and pickup procedures that the school issues.